Many parents worry about how to start creative writing with their children. Here are some much-needed essential tips for beginning creative writing that will help get your child’s imagination going without the tantrums and tears!
These creative writing strategies can be used at any age, whether you’re just starting or have been doing it for years:
- Don’t be discouraged by your child’s mistakes
- Encourage your child’s curiosity during creative writing time
- Give your child some control
- Patience is a virtue
- Remember that creativity takes time
- Comparison is definitely the thief of joy when it comes to creative writing!
- Start with what they enjoy most
The best time in a child’s life to encourage them in the art of writing is when they are young – before society starts putting too many ideas into their minds about what will or won’t work for them.
Don’t be discouraged by your child’s mistakes
Errors are okay, and you can always go back after the writing session to fix them! Your child may still think what they wrote is excellent, even if it needs some editing afterwards.
Encourage your child’s curiosity during creative writing time
Stray away from telling your children exactly what to write. Instead, ask them open-ended questions and let their creativity go!
Give your child some control
Let your child be in charge of the creative writing session’s length by setting a timer for 20 minutes. This will give your children an idea about how long they should write to finish what they want to say!
Patience is a virtue
Be patient. Creative writing doesn’t have a right or wrong way of doing it, and your children will still learn even if they don’t like it! Don’t push them to do something they’re uncomfortable with.

Remember that creativity takes time
Your children won’t be writing masterpieces the first few times! It’s important to not give up when you feel like they’re struggling or aren’t making progress with their creative writing skills. Keep practicing and showing your child how fun it can be, even if things don’t come naturally at first. If you feel as though you have done as much as you can to encourage your child’s writing, but have hit a brick wall in the process, we can help. We have a. Huge range of options for creative writing, including our latest Write and Bloom writing course for children.

Would your child benefit from our Write and Bloom live online creative writing course? They are taught by Geek School Tutoring’s managing director, and journalist, Joycellyn Akuffo.
Comparison is definitely the thief of joy when it comes to creative writing!
Writing can be a lot of fun, but it still takes time to hone the skills! Try not to compare your child’s writing with other children their age. Every child develops at a different pace and has unique interests that will inspire creativity in one way or another. Creative writing is about finding what inspires them as an individual through experimentation and determination.
Start with what they enjoy most
It can be hard to start creative writing with your child, especially if they’re older and already have an idea about what kinds of things are interesting or cool to write about! You could approach this by asking them to come up with a list of their favourite topics before beginning the exercise so that it’s easier for them to get started.
The important thing is that your child enjoys the creative writing experience and finds something they’re passionate about! It can be challenging to know where to start sometimes, but if you make it fun from the beginning, there’s no reason your child won’t look forward to doing it again in the future.
Our children are our greatest teachers. They can teach us so much about life, love, and what is important in the world around us. When we open ourselves up to them and take time to listen, they have so much wisdom to share with us because it’s pure. There isn’t anything standing between their thoughts or feelings, which means everything they share with us is important and deserves our full attention.
If you have a young child or even one that is older but has never been encouraged to write creatively, now is the time to start giving them an outlet for their thoughts and feelings.

There are so many benefits involved when we encourage our children to share their thoughts creatively, like writing poems, stories, or music. First of all, it can be a bonding experience between you and your child. It is so important to encourage our children in this way because they are the future of our world, becoming better equipped with tools that will help them become successful adults.
Another benefit for parents when they begin encouraging their children to write creatively is that it helps develop brain function skills like improved memory, comprehension, and focus. Children who are encouraged to write creatively have better problem-solving skills because they can work through difficult problems by writing them down on paper. It’s also a great way for children to express their thoughts, so if they struggle with expressing themselves verbally, it is the perfect outlet for them!
Last but not least, writing creatively can be a very fun and rewarding experience for both you and your child. It’s a way to bond with one another that doesn’t involve electronics or other distractions, which is also important because it helps encourage our children in ways we may not realize until they are old enough to start recognising their talents.
The best time in a child’s life to encourage them in the art of writing is when they are young – before society starts putting too many ideas into their minds about what will or won’t work for them. In my experience, this should start as soon as your child can identify letters. Even if your child is is writing their story with a few letters hear and there and saying the story to you, they are very much in the creative process!
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