Below are the list top topics you can expect your child to learn in maths during year 4:
Numbers and comparing
- Write numbers in words
- Ordinal numbers to 100th
- Roman numerals I, V, X, L, C, D, M
- Even and odd I
- Even and odd II
- Skip-counting puzzles
- Number sequences
- Put numbers in order
- Which number is greatest/least?
- Comparing numbers
- Comparing – with addition and subtraction
- Multi-step inequalities
Place values
- Place value models
- Place value names
- Value of a digit
- Identify the digit with a particular place value
- Convert to/from a number
- Convert between place values
- Convert from expanded form
- Convert between standard and expanded form
- Place value word problems
- Add two numbers up to three digits
- Addition input/output tables – up to three digits
- Add two numbers up to three digits – word problems
- Complete the addition sentence – up to three digits
- Balance addition equations – up to three digits
- Add three or more numbers up to three digits each
- Add three or more numbers up to three digits – word problems
- Addition patterns over increasing place values
- Add two numbers with four or more digits
- Addition input/output tables – four or more digits
- Add two numbers with four or more digits – word problems
- Complete the addition sentence – four or more digits
- Balance equations – four or more digits
- Add three or more numbers with four or more digits
- Add three or more numbers with four or more digits – word problems
- Addition: fill in the missing digits
- Subtract numbers up to three digits
- Subtraction input/output tables – up to three digits
- Subtract numbers up to three digits – word problems
- Complete the subtraction sentence – up to three digits
- Balance subtraction equations – up to three digits
- Subtraction patterns over increasing place values
- Subtract numbers with four or more digits
- Subtraction input/output tables – four or more digits
- Subtraction: fill in the missing digits
- Multiplication sentences
- Multiplication – facts to 12
- Multiplication word problems – facts to 12
- Missing factors – facts to 12
- Missing factors – facts to 12 – word problems
- Squares up to 20
- Multiplication patterns over increasing place values
- Multiply numbers ending in zeroes
- Multiply a one-digit number by a larger number
- Multiply a one-digit number by a larger number – word problems
- Multiply three or more numbers
- Multiply three or more numbers – word problems
- Multiplication input/output tables
Multiplication – skill builders
- Multiply by 0
- Multiply by 1
- Multiply by 2
- Multiply by 3
- Multiply by 4
- Multiply by 5
- Multiply by 6
- Multiply by 7
- Multiply by 8
- Multiply by 9
- Multiply by 10
- Multiply by 11
- Multiply by 12
- Division facts to 5
- Division facts to 10
- Division word problems – facts to 10
- Complete the division sentence – facts to 10
- Division facts to 12
- Division patterns over increasing place values
- Divide numbers ending in zeroes
- Divide larger numbers
- Divide larger numbers – word problems
- Complete the division table
- Interpret remainders
- Divisibility rules for 2, 5 and 10
- Division input/output tables
Division – skill builders
- Divide by 1
- Divide by 2
- Divide by 3
- Divide by 4
- Divide by 5
- Divide by 6
- Divide by 7
- Divide by 8
- Divide by 9
- Divide by 10
- Divide by 11
- Divide by 12
Mixed operations
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts
- Complete the addition, subtraction, multiplication or division sentence
- Add, subtract, multiply and divide
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division word problems
- Interpret data in tables
- Multi-step word problems
- Missing operators
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division terms
- Understanding parentheses
- Properties of addition
- Solve using properties of addition
- Properties of multiplication
- Solve using properties of multiplication
- Relate addition and multiplication
- Relate multiplication and division
Equations and variables
- Identify equations
- Solve for the variable – addition and subtraction only
- Solve for the variable – with multiplication and division
- Write variable equations to represent word problems
Estimation and rounding
- Rounding
- Round money amounts
- Rounding puzzles
- Solve inequalities using estimation
- Estimate sums
- Estimate products
- Estimate quotients
Logical reasoning
- Guess the number
- Largest/smallest number possible
- Find the order
- Age puzzles
- Guess two numbers based on sum and difference
- Guess two numbers based on sum, difference, product and quotient
- Count coins and notes – up to £5 note
- Which picture shows more?
- Purchases – do you have enough money – up to £10
- Making change
- Inequalities with money
- Put money amounts in order
- Add and subtract money amounts
- Add money amounts – word problems
- Price lists
- Read clocks and write times
- Elapsed time I
- Elapsed time II
- Read a calendar
- Relate time units
- Time patterns
- Convert between hours and fractions of hours
- Reading schedules – 12-hour time
- Reading schedules – 24-hour time
- Time lines
Data and graphs
- Coordinate graphs I
- Coordinate graphs II
- Graph points on a coordinate plane
- Interpret bar graphs
- Create bar graphs
- Interpret line plots
- Create line plots
- Interpret pictographs
- Create pictographs
- Interpret line graphs
- Create line graphs
- Venn diagrams
- Read a thermometer
- Reasonable temperature
- Which metric unit of length is appropriate?
- Compare and convert metric units of length
- Which metric unit of mass is appropriate?
- Compare and convert metric units of mass
- Which metric unit of volume is appropriate?
- Compare and convert metric units of volume
- Conversion tables – metric units
- Which imperial unit of length is appropriate?
- Compare and convert imperial units of length
- Which imperial unit of weight is appropriate?
- Compare and convert imperial units of weight
- Which imperial unit of volume is appropriate?
- Compare and convert imperial units of volume
- Conversion tables – imperial units
- Identify planar and solid shapes
- Count and compare sides, edges, faces and vertices
- Symmetry
- Similar and congruent
- Reflection, rotation and translation
- Perimeter
- Perimeter: find the missing side length
- Area
- Volume
- Angles: greater than, less than or equal to a right angle
- Angles of 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees
- Lines, line segments and rays
- Is it a polygon?
- Triangles: equilateral, isosceles and scalene
- Triangles: acute, right and obtuse
Fractions and mixed numbers
- Fraction review
- Fraction review – word problems
- Fractions on number lines
- Compare fractions
- Equivalent fractions: type the missing numerator or denominator
- Equivalent fractions: choose the equivalent fraction
- Reducing fractions to lowest terms
- Put fractions in order
- Fractions of a number
- Fractions of a number – word problems
- Mixed numbers: what mixed number is shown?
- Mixed numbers: write the mixed number in words
- What decimal number is illustrated?
- Convert between decimals and fractions
- Understanding decimals expressed in words
- Number sequences involving decimals
- Inequalities with decimals
- Put decimal numbers in order
- Add and subtract decimals
- Add and subtract decimals – word problems
- Add three or more decimal numbers
Probability and statistics
- Certain, probable, unlikely and impossible
- Mean and mode
- Interpret charts to find mean and mode
- Combinations
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