An 11 Plus Guide For Parents: Grammar School and Independent (Private) School Entry From 2021

Ideally, you will have decided which grammar schools you are considering registering your child into. It is a good idea to visit each school with your child, to get a better feel and see if it is the right environment for them – now that the lockdown rules are easing, it should be possible to visit the schools soon.

Most schools have been organising virtual tours and virtual open days this year, so this may be the first offer until everything eases in the country.

While you decide, don’t forget to register your child – you can always withdraw from the grammar school selection test if you change your mind! The video in this post will walk you through the entire process.

multiracial children doing exercises with pencil in textbooks

The 11 Plus Exam Timeline: Grammar Schools

MonthWhat To Do
April 2021Most grammar schools will open their registration (usually online) in April or May and set a deadline for around June or July for parents to register their child for the 11+ exam. The dates are not the same across local authorities or schools, so you will need to check the dates with your preferred schools.

Buckinghamshire county automatically enters all primary school children for the 11+ selection tests. It operates an opt-out system for parents who choose to withdraw their child from the 11 Plus exam process. Other counties require parents to register their child for the selection tests. If you live in a borough with grammar schools, you may have received some information from your local council, but you will not be sent this information if you live outside the borough.
September 2021The 11+ exam will occur during the first two to three weeks in September 2021 for most grammar schools; you must check the date of the exam with the individual schools.
September and October 2021Some grammar schools hold stage 2 exams in late September 2021 or early October 2021.
October 2021The 11+ results will be emailed or posted in mid-October 2021. Details should be made available at the point of registering for the grammar school selection tests.
March 2022School allocaEngland’s England’s 164 grammars and other state schools are confirmed online on the 1st March 2022 and subsequently via post; this is known as ‘National’Offer Day’. Please note that independent school offers are usually made far ahead of his in February.
photo of four girls wearing school uniform doing hand signs

The 11 Plus Exam Timeline: Independent Schools

Unlike grammar schools, independent schools allow for 11 Plus exam registrations all year round – once the last cohort of students has received their offers.

MonthWhat To Do
September 2021Start registering your child for the independent school entrance exams. The deadlines vary – some close for registrations as early as November, others close for registrations once they reach a particular number of registrations.
October and November 2021Many girls schools have exams, so check the dates.
January 2022The majority of independent schools hold their exams in the first and second week of January 2022.
February 2022Independent schools send out offer letters.

Video Guide: Grammar School and Independent School Registrations

This video is an in-depth explanation of how to register for grammar schools in England, along with the independent (private) school registration process.

Geek School Tutoring’s managing director, Joycellyn Akuffo provides a detailed look at registration process, in particular:

  1. Where to register your child for the 11 Plus exams
  2. When to register for the grammar school and independent school selection tests;
  3. and some other essential facts about the 11 Plus exams.
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