What It’s Like To Go To An Independent (Private) School in the UK

Schoolgirl back to school. Pupil in uniform and backpack outdoor

What is it like to go to an independent school (also known as a private school) in the UK? It’s a question that comes up quite often, and it’s no wonder because there are some uniquenesses about independent (private) schools – that’s why so many parents aspire to send their children to these top fee-paying schools.

The average termly fee in 2017 for an independent school was £10,753 for boarders and £4,702 (with some London schools costing up to £5,500) for day pupils. In other words, a lot of money.

The fact that only around 6% of the UK’s school population attend independent schools, and that the families accessing private education are much more likely to be among the affluent can make independent schools seem unreachable to many.

But at Geek School Tutoring, we have helped many students gain entry into independent schools, on scholarship and bursary offers. This has been life-changing for many of those students, who would have otherwise had to travel long distances to attend a grammar school out of their borough or attend a less desirable state school.

woman in blue striped flannel shirt holding a book indoors
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.com

Some Common Questions About Independent Schools

  • Is everyone rich?
  • Do all the pupils speak like the Royal Family?
  • Will my child fit in?
  • We are not rich. Will my child feel out of place?

As a former student of the independent school system, and a parent of two children who have only ever attended independent schools (at both primary and secondary level), I always try to give my honest feedback about independent schools

Independent Schools – From a Child’s Perspective

Nothing beats hearing the answers to the common questions coming straight from the pupils themselves!

So, in the following video, I welcome Laila and Savannah back on set, with Laila explaining what her experience has been like so far – she attends one of the best independent schools in the country.

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