Get the right information about grammar school selection tests – get the overview with this article.
The 11+ examination process can vary significantly depending on your location. This page introduces how the test works in different parts of the country, providing a valuable starting point for your research. Please refer to the provided link for more detailed information about the 11+ test and our products.
Different schools and different regions (local authorities) have different testing procedures for 11 Plus Grammar School Selection Tests
As if the 11 Plus exam, its content and the registration process for grammar schools and independent school entrance tests are not confusing enough, there is something you also need to consider:
- Some local authorities organise the grammar school selection tests for all the grammar schools in their borough, for example, the Kent and Bexley Schools.
- Some local authorities do not organise any of the grammar school selection tests for all the grammar schools in their borough – the schools do this themselves, for example, St Olave’s and Newstead Wood, both in Bromley borough.
- Independent (private) schools manage their own testing procedures.
Although the 11 Plus exams have been taken since the 1940s, it doesn’t mean that the process stays the same – it can change, and history shows that everything from the content and style of the exam to the publishers of the papers can change – with very short notice. Some local authorities organise grammar school selection tests for all the grammar schools in their borough.

So, to make sure you have the most up-to-date information on grammar school admissions, you must check with each school you intend to apply. Pay close attention to the application deadlines for each form you need to fill in.
How To Do Your Research On Grammar School Entry
When researching each school, here are some key factors to consider:
- Test Entry: Find out whether you need to submit any paperwork to enter your child for the test and the associated deadline or if they will be automatically entered.
- Test Content: Understand the subjects that will be tested, such as verbal reasoning, maths, English and non-verbal reasoning. Additionally, find out the format of the test (multiple-choice or standard answer) and its duration.
- Test Location and Date: Obtain information on where and when the test will take place.
- Additional Admissions Criteria: Familiarise yourself with any other factors that may influence admission decisions, such as proximity to the school or having siblings already attending.
- Availability of Past Papers or Mock Tests: Inquire whether the school provides past test papers or organises mock tests, which may come with a fee.
For more specific details about the 11+ test in your area, the examination process is organised differently based on the following categories:
- Tests Organised by Local Authorities: In certain regions, the Local Authority handles the 11+ test for most or all of the grammar schools. You can gather information about the grammar school test’s content, date, deadlines, and other admission criteria from the local authority’s website or by contacting their education department directly.
- Tests Organised by a Consortium of Schools: A consortium of schools administers a common admission test in specific areas. This test is applicable to multiple schools within the consortium. Information about the test date, content, and provider can be obtained by referring to the relevant area in the provided tables.
- Tests Organised by Individual Schools: Certain areas have grammar schools that conduct their own admissions criteria and tests. You’ll need to fill in a supplementary form specific to each school to apply for these schools. Contact each school individually to obtain the necessary form and inquire about application deadlines.
Additionally, it’s important to note that independent (private) schools also have their own exams (known as entrance tests) for Year 7 admissions. These tests may follow a format similar to the 11+ tests. If you are applying to an independent school, it is recommended to directly contact the school to gather more information about their admissions criteria and testing procedures.
By thoroughly researching and understanding the testing procedures in your area, you can navigate the 11+ examination process more effectively and make informed decisions for your child’s education.
We have amazingly in-depth tutorials on all things 11 Plus exams and admissions, content, revision etc, on our YouTube Channel (just search for ‘Geek School Tutoring‘ or click the button.
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