Counting and number patterns
- Skip-counting
- Skip-counting sequences
- Number lines – up to 100
- Counting patterns – up to 100
- Hundreds chart
- Even and odd: counting objects
- Even or odd I
- Even or odd II
- Which even or odd number comes before or after?
- Skip-counting stories
- Skip-counting puzzles
- Number lines – up to 1,000
- Counting patterns – up to 1,000
Comparing and ordering
- Comparing numbers up to 100
- Inequalities with addition and subtraction – up to 100
- Comparing numbers up to 1,000
- Put numbers up to 100 in order
- Put numbers up to 1,000 in order
- Greatest and least – word problems – up to 100
- Greatest and least – word problems – up to 1,000
Names of numbers
- Ordinal numbers up to 10th
- Ordinal numbers up to 100th
- Writing numbers up to 100 in words
- Writing numbers up to 1,000 in words
- Distinguishing ordinal and cardinal numbers
- Roman numerals I, V, X, L
- Repeating patterns
- Growing patterns
- Describe patterns
Addition – one digit
- Review – add one-digit numbers – sums to 10
- Review – ways to make a number – sums to 10
- Review – writing addition sentences – sums to 10
- Adding doubles
- Add one-digit numbers
- Addition with pictures – sums to 20
- Write addition sentences to describe pictures – sums to 20
- Addition input/output tables – sums to 20
- Add zero
- Addition word problems – one digit
- Complete the addition sentence – one digit
- Write the addition sentence – one digit
- Balance addition equations – one digit
- Add three or more one-digit numbers
- Add three or more one-digit numbers – word problems
Subtraction – one digit
- Review – subtract one-digit numbers – up to 10
- Review – ways to subtract – up to 10
- Review – writing subtraction sentences – up to 10
- Subtracting doubles
- Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number up to 18
- Subtraction with pictures
- Write subtraction sentences to describe pictures – up to 18
- Subtraction input/output tables – up to 18
- Subtract zero/all
- Subtraction word problems – up to 18
- Complete the subtraction sentence – up to 18
- Write the subtraction sentence – up to 18
- Balance subtraction equations – up to 18
Addition – two digits
- Add multiples of 10
- Add a two-digit and a one-digit number – without regrouping
- Add a two-digit and a one-digit number – with regrouping
- Add two two-digit numbers – without regrouping
- Add two two-digit numbers – with regrouping
- Write addition sentences to describe pictures
- Addition input/output tables – up to two digits
- Ways to make a number using addition
- Addition word problems – up to two digits
- Complete the addition sentence – up to two digits
- Write the addition sentence – up to two digits
- Balance addition equations – up to two digits
- Add three or more numbers up to two digits each
- Add three or more numbers up to two digits – word problems
Subtraction – two digits
- Subtract multiples of 10
- Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number – without regrouping
- Subtract a one-digit number from a two-digit number – with regrouping
- Subtract two two-digit numbers – without regrouping
- Subtract two two-digit numbers – with regrouping
- Write subtraction sentences to describe pictures – up to two digits
- Subtraction input/output tables – up to two digits
- Ways to make a number using subtraction
- Subtraction word problems – up to two digits
- Complete the subtraction sentence – up to two digits
- Write the subtraction sentence – up to two digits
- Balance subtraction equations – up to two digits
Addition – three digits
- Add multiples of 100
- Add two three-digit numbers
- Addition input/output tables – up to three digits
- Addition word problems – up to three digits
- Complete the addition sentence – up to three digits
- Write the addition sentence – up to three digits
- Balance addition equations – up to three digits
Subtraction – three digits
- Subtract multiples of 100
- Subtract three-digit numbers
- Subtraction input/output tables – up to three digits
- Subtraction word problems – up to three digits
- Complete the subtraction sentence – up to three digits
- Write the subtraction sentence – up to three digits
- Balance subtraction equations – up to three digits
- Related addition facts
- Related subtraction facts
- Fact families
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division terms
- Solve inequalities using addition and subtraction shortcuts
Place values
- Place value models – tens and ones
- Place value models – up to hundreds
- Place value models – up to thousands
- Value of underlined digit – tens and ones
- Value of underlined digit – up to hundreds
- Value of underlined digit – up to thousands
- Regrouping tens and ones I
- Regrouping tens and ones II
- Convert to/from a number – tens and ones
- Convert to/from a number – up to hundreds
- Convert to/from a number – up to thousands
- Convert between place values – up to thousands
- Convert from expanded form – up to hundreds
- Convert from expanded form – up to thousands
- Identify the digit in the ones, tens, hundreds or thousands place
Estimation and rounding
- Estimate to the nearest ten
- Round to the nearest ten
- Round to the nearest ten or hundred
- Round to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand
- Estimate sums
Mixed operations
- Add and subtract numbers up to 20
- Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number – up to 20
- Addition and subtraction word problems – up to 20
- Addition and subtraction – balance equations – up to 20
- Input/output tables – write the rule – up to 20
- Add and subtract numbers up to 100
- Addition and subtraction – ways to make a number – up to 100
- Addition and subtraction word problems – up to 100
- Addition and subtraction – balance equations – up to 100
- Input/output tables – write the rule – up to 100
- Which sign (+ or -) makes the number sentence true?
- Write addition and subtraction sentences
Logical reasoning
- Guess the number
- Coin values
- Count money – up to £1
- Count money – up to £5
- Equivalent amounts of money – up to £1
- Equivalent amounts of money – up to £5
- Equivalent coins I
- Equivalent coins II
- Add and subtract money – up to £1
- Add and subtract money – word problems – up to £1
- Add and subtract money – word problems – up to £5
- Which picture shows more – up to £1
- Which picture shows more – up to £5
- Least number of coins
- Purchases – do you have enough money – up to £1
- Purchases – do you have enough money – up to £5
- How much more to make one pound?
- Making change
- Days of the week
- Reading clocks
- Time words: o’clock, half, quarter
- Match clocks and times
- Match analog and digital clocks
- Seasons
- A.M. and P.M.
- Compare clocks
- Elapsed time I
- Elapsed time II
- Choose the appropriate time units
- Read a calendar
- Months of the year
- Number of days in each month
- Relate time units
- Time patterns
Data and graphs
- Coordinate graphs
- Interpret bar graphs
- Which bar graph is correct?
- Interpret line plots
- Create line plots
- Interpret pictographs
- Create pictographs
- Interpret line graphs
- Which line graph is correct?
- Interpret Venn diagrams
- Long and short
- Tall and short
- Light and heavy
- Holds more or less
- Compare size, mass and capacity
- Read a thermometer
- Choose the appropriate measuring tool
- Which metric unit of length is appropriate?
- Metric units of length: word problems
- Which metric unit of mass is appropriate?
- Which metric unit of volume is appropriate?
- Compare and convert metric units of volume
- Compare and convert metric units of mass
- Which imperial unit of length is appropriate?
- Imperial units of length: word problems
- Which imperial unit of weight is appropriate?
- Which imperial unit of volume is appropriate?
- Compare and convert imperial units of volume
- Compare and convert imperial units of weight
- Identify planar and solid shapes
- Compare sides, vertices, edges and faces
- Count sides, vertices, edges and faces
- Symmetry
- Congruent
- Flip, turn and slide
- Perimeter
- Perimeter – word problems
- Area
- Angles: greater than, less than or equal to a right angle
- Fractions of a turn
- Halves, thirds and quarters
- Identify the fraction
- Which shape illustrates the fraction?
- Parts of a group
- Fraction word problems
- Compare fractions
- Order fractions with like numerators
- Probability and statistics
- More, less and equally likely
- Certain, probable, unlikely and impossible
- Multiplication sentences
- Multiplication tables up to 5
- Multiplication tables up to 10
- Divisors and quotients up to 5
- Divisors and quotients up to 10
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