Key Stage 2 SATS: What you need to know about preparing your child this year

SATs Writing Task

Is your child in Year 6, and preparing for their Key Stage 2 SATs exam?

  • Are you worried about the quality of your child’s writing?
  • Is it a battle to get your child to read?
  • Does your child love everything to do with gadgets but won’t do any book work without a battle?

Did you know that all children in Year 6 will take a Key Stage 2 Writing Assessment as part of their SATs exams in May?

Many parents are unaware of this because the test will be ‘informal’ and assessed by your child’s class teacher. This means that the written work will be marked by your child’s school around the Key Stage 2 Writing Framework.

What is in Tested in Key Stage 2 Writing Assessment

Here are some of the skills that will be assessed by your child’s school:

  • the ability to write for a range of purposes; 
  • the ability to use paragraphs to organise ideas; 
  • the ability to describe settings and characters in narratives (story writing);
  •  the ability to use simple devices to structure their writing and support the reader (e.g. headings, sub-headings, bullet points) in non-narrative writing (i.e. all other forms of writing that are not stories, such as report writing);
  • the use of capital letters, full stops, question marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contraction mostly correctly;
  • the ability to correctly spell most words from the year 3 or year 4 spelling lists, and some words from the year 5 and year 6 spelling lists; and
  • the ability to write legibly in cursive (joined up) handwriting, when writing at speed. 

Geek School’s Tutoring’s online creative writing courses help with all these Key Stage 2 standards and more. 

11 Plus Tutor Near Beckenham, Bromley, Catford and Lewisham

Created by myself, journalist and tutor, Joycellyn Akuffo, this course helps children find their creative voice for 11 Plus exams, or any written exam, for that matter! That includes the SATs exam.

Free Writing Course for Children

Head over to our sister site, The 11 Plus Essay, to find out how our interactive course helps children reach their literary excellence. 

There’s even a free course with lots of resources – and there isn’t a catch! We want to help the younger generation with their writing!

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