How to prepare for 11-plus exams during the Christmas break

Schools out, and Christmas season is in force. Between the shopping, food prep, visiting friends and family and everything else in between, how do you make sure your child keeps the momentum going in time for January exams?
1. Make a plan

Whether you decide to work all the days except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Eve, or do a couple of hours per day everyday, you should make an agreement with your child. Their passing the 11-plus exams is for them, but if they lose motivation because of a rigid study regime it will be a difficult to get their best out of them.

2. Work at your child’s optimum time of the day

Once you’ve made an agreement, try to work at their most optimum time of the day: first thing in the morning, or later in the day. The main thing is that they are consistent with their work and keep the revision and practice going. 

3. Stationary for presents

What better way to feel good about work than some new stationary as stocking fillers for Christmas? Whether it s the latest Minion set or Frozen, some shiny new pens and pencils will go a little way in encouraging your child to do at least a little bit of work. 

4. Don’t overdo it

If you can see that your child is getting stressed about the work, it’s a good idea to slow the pace down a little bit. The last thing anyone wants to see is burnout. Don’t keep pushing until breaking point; adjust your child’s timetable and start your sessions off with a subject that they are best at and enjoy doing the most.

5. Remember to have some fun, too

It is Christmas, after all. When you’re not working, make the most of whatever fun and activities the family has planned. Try not to talk about work or exams, so that your child can have some of pure, uninterrupted enjoyment. 

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