How to Help Your Child With Creative Writing: Top Creative Writing Tips

Are you a parent looking to help your children with their creative writing? Here are some top Creative Writing Tips for children to help

When it comes to creative writing, some children respond well to being imaginative and expressive, while others, may need an extra nudge to get the ball rolling.

If you’ve come across this post, then perhaps you’re on the hunt for new and interesting ways to engage your child in writing more creatively. No need to worry, because in this post, we will be sharing the top 5 ways that you can help your children with their creative writing.

1. Setting Them a Role-Play Task

For most children, building a story is an exciting activity, as they like to think about the details and consider the possibilities of their story.

Set a role-playing task for your child by getting them to design or create a character, listing the qualities this character will have. As they share their ideas, write them down until you have a good character profile.

Once they’ve done this, you should give your child time to ‘get into character’ and share a demonstration of how the character might behave, the things they might say or to describe how they might look.

Child with hose in hands playing firefighter

2. Encourage Your Child to Use Their Senses

When writing a story, the aim is usually to evoke a type of emotion from the reader. Children can achieve this by using descriptive and emotive language. In encouraging your child’s inner creative writer, you’ll want to get them to write a piece where they describe a scene, a place, or a trip they’ve been on.

Ask them what they can see, smell, touch, taste, hear and get them to write these descriptions down. An example might be they want to write about the time they went on holiday. Ask them how they felt, what they saw on the trip and the things they ate etc.

3. Using Picture Writing Prompts

Thinking back to the earlier tip we shared on encouraging your child to use and share their senses, you can use picture-based prompts like these this too in a similar way. By giving them a starting point or a certain place to focus on, ask them to write down all the descriptive words they would associate with the picture.

4. Lead by example – Demonstrate the Importance of Reading Different Genres to Your Children

Now, we understand that not all parents have the time every day to sit down with a book and read, but if you’re able to set aside one day a week, for an hour or so to read with your child, they too will begin to see that mummy/daddy does this, I want to do it too.

Children learn through emulation as their favourite tv shows or YouTube videos will show you.

When trying to encourage your child to think or write creatively, it is important to also encourage them to read widely. This includes them reading books from different genres. This may be in comedy, horror, fairy tales, etc.

By doing so, they will get a sense of what their creativity could look like, as they draw inspiration from their favourites.

Watch our video on the creative writing mistakes your child will need to avoid when writing.

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