Looking for tuition that works is like gold dust. What most parents want is someone who can be highly recommended – and one who they know of their success with the children of friends or relatives.
In addition to this, many of the parents who enquire about tuition with us also want one-to-one tuition because the perception with group tuition is that it is somewhat of a cattle farm, where there children will get lost in the crowd.
Geek School’s Group Tuition is Different
Firstly, unlike tuition centres that have upwards of 20-30 children being taught by one person, we don’t! By group we mean a group – not an entire classroom.
Our group tuition sessions have a ratio of up to four children to a tutor. This means that all the children get a lot of one-to-one tuition, with the benefits of working in a group.
Why Do We Use Group Tuition?
We strongly believe on the importance of empowering children when it comes to learning. Part of that journey means building their confidence. While one-to-one tuition can provide this, with the right tutor, a group tuition session means they can develop this academically and socially, too. Within a small group, children feel safer when it comes to taking a risk and answering questions, and that is a bonus.
Additionally, seeing the scores of their peers can have a confidence-boosting effect, too. It can help with reinforcing the fact that they are capable of scoring well themselves, and it also starts to produce healthy competition.
Accountability is key
In a classroom environment, we hear from parents how their children are often not progressing because they just don’t get the attention to detail they need from their class teacher.
At Geek School, our small tuition groups enable children to learn in a safe environment without feeling overwhelmed, but they won’t want to be the only one who isn’t getting with their work. So, for children who may show more reluctance with a one-to-one tutor because there is no peer pressure to work, Geek School’s small groups can be very effective, indeed!
Learning From Their Peers
With all the best will in the world, some children just don’t ask for help, whether in a small group tuition or with one-to-one tuition. It can be a real positive to try out these skills within a small group, without feeling uncomfortable in front of a whole class.
Within our small groups, there is always one or two very vocal children who ask lots of questions – the questions the quiet ones often want to ask but never do! So this is a plus.
Not Being Lazy
Children who struggle to work independently, or who need to be micromanaged with their homework soon learn how to work independently when they start attending Geek School Tutoring. They soon discover that they are not the only children who are having tuition – and the extra homework that comes with it – and they start to accept this new way of life.