It’s a fact – children just don’t read as much as generations before them did. If I had a pound for every reluctant reader I hear about when parents enquire about English tuition at Geek School Tutoring, I would be stocked with my favourite beverage for life by the end of the year (well, sort of!).
One of the sore points of the 11 Plus preparation for many children (and parents!) these days is reading. The days when children would happily sit for hours on end reading a (good) book seem to be dwindling. There are simply many more (seemingly) fun ways many children prefer to spend their time, and it usually involves a gadget or two.

It there was an equally fun and engaging way to read, children who likely enjoy the process a lot more – this is where Greek School Tutoring’s new 11 Plus Classics Reading Club comes very handy!
Due to the lack of ‘quality’ reading, many children struggle with 11 Plus English comprehension. They either find it difficult to understand the text or read too slowly. And all because 11 Plus English papers contain so many ‘big’ or ‘obscure’ words since they are usually taken from the classical texts. These types of words just don’t appear in the ever-popular David Walliams, Jacqueline Wilson or other popular books that youngsters like to read these days.
Old English text is written in a different style from contemporary texts, so many children often find it challenging to understand the meanings; this will be taught during the sessions, too.

If this sounds like a common complaint from your child, the Geek School 11 Plus Classics Reading Club can help. With almost a decade of experience in preparing children for the 11 Plus exams (for both grammar and independent schools alike), it has become increasingly evident that many children need support in this way.
Parents are now often busier than ever. With all the best will in the world, there is usually no time to dedicate to reading with children consistently – and consistently is vital when it comes to preparing children for the 11 Plus exams.
The Geek School 11 Plus Classics Reading Club fills in this very gap. The club has the added bonus of: enabling children to interact and learn from other children; making the reading of classical texts a lot more enjoyable because of the format the club is delivered in.
The sessions take place online every week for as long as required with no commitment.
Students will also get a copy of the stories from each session.
There will be a detailed discussion (and teaching) about the meaning of the passages from the classical text; students will work on vocabulary in the text, too. Over time, children will build a more expansive vocabulary and find reading the most complicated passages a breeze.
The sessions are affordable, too, at just £6.50 for an hour of reading. In short, they are too good to miss!
These sessions are ideal for advanced Year 4, children; Year 5 children; and Year 6 children emerging in their reading.
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