Providing 11 Plus Tuition in Beckenham, Lewisham and Online, Plus English, Maths and Science Tuition for KS2, KS3 and GCSE Students

GCSE Tutor near me

Geek School Tutoring has provided excellent tuition for primary and secondary students, from reception to year 11, for more than a decade!

We are also 11 Plus exam preparation experts with a track record of excellent results in both grammar and independent schools.

We offer top-notch in-person and online tutoring services, providing our students with the best of both worlds.

Schoolgirl writing at classroom desk in primary school lesson
We provide traditional teaching – you will find whiteboards and blackboards on most walls in our centres, where the real teaching happens!

in-person tuition in Beckenham

in-person tuition in Catford

Online Tuition

Geek School Shop - 11 Plus resources and more