Should the 11 Plus exams be cancelled this year? Well, the SATs, GCSE and A level exams were, so why should the 11 Plus exams be any different?
It’s a debate that has been bandied around online, and I’ve even seen some newspaper reports of MPs calling for their cancellation this year.
I’m not at all convinced that they should be cancelled – not even for the lockdown. I believe that a sensible option would be to push the dates back, to allow children who have missed out on teaching to catch up, but this doesn’t deal with the elephant in the room: the verbal and non-verbal reasoning papers, which are not part of the National Curriculum anyway.
In this video, I address the more significant issue (I think) of the impact that a cancellation could have on a large group of children who are not often considered in the discussion: out-of-borough children.
I won’t give the entire side of my argument away – watch the video to find out my views and recommendations for that.