11 Plus Revision During the Christmas Holidays – Plus Christmas Writing Challenge!

Christmas is when we want to spend quality time with family and friends and get some much-needed rest! But if your child has an 11 Plus exam, your yearly routine will look a lot different!

Should Children Work During the Christmas Holidays?

The simple answer is ‘yes’! The period between the Christmas holidays and the independent school exams in January is too long to let your child do nothing. All the months (maybe years) of practice will fade if the last push needed does not happen during the race’s final leg!

There is a way to get the balance right and ensure that your child does not feel overwhelmed – and to ensure you all get a break from 11+ papers and 11 Plus books!

Watch the Full Video For More Tips and Advice!

Get The Free Christmas Writing Challenge Workbook

Are you ready to get involved in the challenge? Download the free workbook, ready to start on 13th December 2021, and finish the writing challenge on the 23rd December 2021.

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