10-Minute Maths Genius Course

  • Is your child struggling to hit those high scores in their 11-Plus preparation?
  • Does your childĀ get a mix of high and low scores, making it difficult to gauge the level he or she is working at?
  • Does your child do well, but you still think they could do with a bit more revision?

At Geek School Tutoring, we see a a whole mix of abilities and the underlying criteria for success for children of all levels is one factor: practice. The more, the better; the more, the better the scores for the grammar school tests and the independent schools.

So, we’ve created a FREE programme to help children reach their full potential: The 10-Minute Maths Genius course.

It’s completely free – there really is no catch. All you have to do is sign up for the FREE emails and everyday, a 10-minute maths worksheet will be delivered straight into your inbox for you to print. We’ve even included the answers so you can really see how your child is doing, without the hassle of having to work out the answers yourself.

It’s too good to miss out – join today!

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11 Plus 11+ 11 Plus tutor 11+ tutor