10 Books to Help Your Child Prepare for the 11 Plus Exams

10 books to read for the 11 Plus

The 11 Plus is an essential exam for students in England, especially if they want to attend a grammar school. These exams are available to students of all academic abilities; if your child has struggled academically with their regular schoolwork at times but can show that they have potential when it comes to questions involving reasoning and problem-solving, then the 11 Plus is also an option for them.

However, the 11 Plus isn’t just about finding out whether your child can handle academic work of a higher standard than they are used to at their current school.

The exam itself determines which type of grammar or independent school they will attend when the time comes to move on from Primary education, with some grammar schools only accepting students who have passed the 11 Plus.

So a lot is riding on this single exam, which makes preparation for it all the more critical. If your child cannot show their potential when writing the 11 Plus tests, then they may not get into their preferred type of secondary school, which could influence the rest of their lives in terms of their career choices and social lives. So you must do whatever you can to help your child pass.

Mom and child reading a book

Ten Books To Prepare Your Child For 11 Plus Exams

Here are 10 books you can read with your child to get them used to reading at a high level:

1. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

2. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis

3. The Hobbit by J.R. R. Tolkien

4. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

5. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

6. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll

7. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame

8. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson

9. Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift

10. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

The 11 Plus is an essential exam for students in England, especially if they want to attend a grammar school. These exams are available to students of all academic abilities; if your child has struggled academically with their regular schoolwork at times but can show that they have potential when it comes to questions involving reasoning and problem-solving, then the 11 Plus could also use an option for them.

Why Reading Is Important For the 11 Plus Exams

Heap of books and light box

One of the best ways to prepare for the 11 Plus exams is to read extensively. Reading can help students improve their vocabulary, learn new facts, and develop their reasoning skills. In addition, reading can help students relax and de-stress before exams.

When they read, children learn new words. They can also understand what the words mean. They can use the context to help them work out the meaning of words they don’t know.

Reading also helps children develop their imagination. When children read, they create mental images of the characters, events, and settings in the story. This helps them understand what they are reading and also helps with their creative writing. In addition, reading helps children develop their comprehension skills.

They learn to identify the text’s central idea, make inferences, and draw conclusions. These are essential skills that will help them do well on the 11 Plus exams, especially the English paper.

So if you want to help your child prepare for the 11 Plus exams, encourage them to read as much as possible.

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