Online 11 Plus Intensive Course – This Summer

Our Online 11 Plus Intensive course this summer will be from Monday 31st July to Friday 4th August 2023. with a morning and afternoon session available.

If your Year 5 student is preparing for grammar school selection tests upcoming this September or independent school entrance exams, it’s crunch time. Register your child now to increase their likelihood of success in the 11 Plus exams. Start preparing for the 11 Plus tests with our tutoring services!

11 Plus Intensive Course Content

Daily online lessons will cover:

  • Maths

  • English

  • Verbal reasoning

  • Non-verbal reasoning

11 Plus Intensive Course Schedule:

Each day has a specific focus:

  • Monday: English comprehension and creative writing

  • Tuesday: Verbal reasoning

  • Wednesday: Maths

  • Thursday: Non-verbal reasoning

  • Friday: Exam technique and paper review

Additional Benefits and Resources

By, you’ll gain access not only to our online interactive lessons, where we delve deep into the core components of the 11 Plus exam but also to an extensive array of supplementary materials.
These resources are expertly designed to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of the exam, covering vital subjects from mathematics and English to verbal and non-verbal reasoning, all crafted for British students.

Sign up now and start your successful preparation for the 11 Plus exam with the help of our proficient tutors and broad resources.

  • The course includes the Express Creative Writing Course (worth £75) to improve your child’s writing quality, readability, and eloquence.

  • Access to a comprehensive collection of 11 Plus exam papers and resources tailored for GL Assessment, CEM, and ISEB (independent schools) tests.

  • Daily homework assignments consolidate the learning from each lesson, with each session lasting three hours.

Please note that the course runs from Monday 31st July to Friday 4th August 2023. Part payments for particular days of the course are not available. You will be directed to our sister site,, for the booking and to access the additional resources.

Online 11 Plus Intensive Course

Frequently Asked Questions

What year group is the Online 11 Plus Intensive Course for?

This course is exclusively designed for the benefit of year 5 students who are about to sit their exams between September 2023 and January 2024. Our comprehensive program will cover all the major topics, providing students with an in-depth understanding and helping to boost their confidence ahead of their exams. Enrolling in this course is an excellent way for students to prepare themselves for the rigours of the upcoming exams and perform at their best.

Can my child take attend just part of the course?

The teaching schedule has been carefully designed to ensure your child receives a comprehensive education across all necessary subjects and knowledge areas. Each day has a focussed theme to maximise learning potential. In order for your child to gain the most from our programme, we strongly suggest they attend each of the sessions, with opportunities to ask any questions or seek clarification throughout. Please note, if you do choose to opt your child out of any of the sessions, we won’t be able to provide a discounted price. This is because we all want your child to have the best chance of success!

How do you access each student’s academic level before the intensive?

Once you register, you will be able to access an assessment, which we will use to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the entire group.

If we feel that your child will not be able to cope with the Online 11 Plus Intensive Course, we will contact you and will endeavour to arrange an alternative, where possible.

Will any homework be set during the Online 11 Plus Intensive?

Yes, homework will be set and reviewed.