Although every child will have done some English reading comprehension work at school, the 11 Plus paper has one crucial difference: time.
In the 11 Plus exams, children have to work in a strict, time-limited environment, answering enough questions correctly to be in with a chance of passing the paper.
This time-pressured way of working is something that many children may not have encountered before, and this can make the English reading comprehension paper more challenging than it might first appear to be.
The more practice your child can get with working in a time-limited way, the better their chances of doing well on the paper.
The Geek School Tutoring 11 Plus Online English Comprehension Course is perfect for helping children get to grips with both the time factor and the exacting high standards that are required to pass.
While this is an online course, it isn’t a cookie-cutter approach to helping children. Like all our online courses, the Geek School 11 Plus Online English Comprehension Course provides bespoke feedback to each child, based on their individual needs. Children are given the tools needed to present their writing in the best possible way, so they can go into the exam confidently and win their place at their school of choice.