Download Your Free Creative Writing Toolkit
Download Your Free Creative Writing Toolkit!
Creative writing is one part of the 11 Plus papers and the SATs exams where children have control. It should be your favourite part of either of these tests because this part of both tests gives a lot of freedom. How? Well, it’s simple: your words are your own to choose, and you can take your writing anywhere you want. You decide what takes place in the story, who the characters are, what they do and say, how they feel etc. It is your choice!
There are just a simple ‘rules’ and ‘guides’ you need to follow, to make sure you get the maximum score. For example, using the right type of punctuation for the sentence, you are using; getting your spelling correct; and writing in the right person.
At Geek School Tutoring, we have a lot of different writing and English courses and material to help children learn how to write properly in the most fun and engaging way possible – starting with this poster guide.
You can print each page like a poster and stick on the fridge, on bedroom walls or use helpful an exercise book covers.
If you would like to find out more about what we can do to help your child to improve creative writing, please visit us at