Which Writing Course is Right For Your Child?
<h2>Short, But Effective Courses That Help Children's Writing to Flourish</h2>
<h4>Our courses are perfect for children in years 4, 5 and 6 who are preparing for the 11 Plus and SATs writing tasks who need help to find their creative voice!</h4>
Writing in a skill that children will need throughout their primary and secondary years. Just about every important exam they will ever sit will require the ability to effectively communicate with words. That's why we are passionate about helping children to perfect this skill and find their voice early on!</p>
<h2>Watch the Video Above, Then Choose a Course Below</h2>
<ul id="eael-feature-list-6e7ef0da">
<h3>Effective tips and resources to help with structure and cohesion of writing.</h3>
<h3>Tips to help your child find their creative voice.</h3>
<h3>Writing is marked* with detailed video-recorded feedback!</h3>
<h4>All our courses are produced and written by Joycellyn Akuffo, Geek School Tutoring's Managing Director. A seasoned journalist who is passionate about helping children find their creative voice and play with words!</h4>*Work is marked on our paid courses within a 72-hour window, when work is submitted Monday to Friday.