Are You Looking for an 11 Plus Tutor in Herne Hill (Norwood)?

Due to our success of 11 Plus tuition in Beckenham and Bromley, Geek School Tutoring now has a centre in Herne Hill (Norwood) on the beautiful and historic grounds of Brockwell Park. So, if you’re looking for 11 plus tuition for your child, you’ve come to the right place.

Private tuition in Herne Hill (Norwood)

Geek School Tutoring’s Thornton Heath Centre, like our Lewisham and Beckenham centres, offers:
  • 11 Plus Tuition (English, maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning)
  • KS1 and KS2 tuition (catch-up lessons)
  • Preparation for SATs
  • Intensive 11 Plus courses
If your child is struggling at school, or you want to help them reach academic excellence in their 11 Plus exams to be in with the best chance of securing a place at grammar or independent school, Geek School can help! Every year, we support children who have either fallen behind at school in maths and English; need some extra support to help them meet the mark for grammar school or independent school tests, or children who just need regular practice in their maths and English. These are all areas where a good private tutor can help with – that’s us. We have successfully helped children who have fallen behind at school, and also had great success helping children secure a place at Graveney, Newstead Wood, Wallington Boys, and Wilsons. Last year alone, with the help of our private tuition, many of our students not only excelled in their exams but secured scholarship offers at Dulwich College, James Allen Girls, City of London Girls, Trinity, Whitgift, Sydenham High, St Dunstan’s Royal Russell, Bishop Challoner and many more schools. If you are worried about your child passing the 11 plus, or you want to find out about the 11 plus tuition we offer, you can book an assessment for your child, where you will be given individualised feedback before you commit. The Geek School Tutoring Herne Hill (Norwood) Centre is close to Crystal Palace, Selhurst, Anerley, Penge, Thornton Heath, Norbury, Pollard’s Hill, Dulwich, Tulse Hill and Brixton. Get in touch today to discuss your child’s needs. Call Joycellyn today on 02086583239 or send us a WhatsApp message.

Geek School Tutoring is Ofsted registered, so we are DBS checked. We accept child tax credits, childcare vouchers and student finance.