- Are you looking for an 11 Plus Tutor in Norwood?
- Are you looking for an 11 Plus tutor with a proven track record?
- Are you looking for a verbal and non-verbal reasoning course that is effective in helping children to secure a place in your school of choice?
If your child is preparing for the 11-Plus test, you’ll likely have come across the verbal and non-verbal reasoning components of the test. Some schools, like Newstead Wood and Graveney, only test children in verbal and non-verbal reasoning.
It can be daunting for children (and parents alike) because these topics are not taught as part of the National Curriculum.
Don’t panic! Geek School Tutoring Can Help!
At Geek School, we pride ourselves on being the 11-plus experts. Having helped numerous children successfully get to grips with both of these topics, and pass their grammar and independent school tests, our formula for success is tried and tested – and it works every time!
We have almost a decade of 11 Plus Success!
Many of our students have also excelled in exams for high-profile private schools (gaining scholarships, too), including Dulwich College, Trinity, Whitgift, James Alleyn’s girls (JAGS), Eltham College, St Dunstan’s, Colfe’s, Sydenham Girls, Old Palace Christ Hospital and more! If you are near our Thornton Heath centre, you will likely be considering the Sutton grammar schools (Wilson’s, Wallington Boys, Wallington Girls, Nonsuch and Sutton Grammar), which we have tremendous success in helping students get into.
We also help children prepare for CAT tests for schools like the Harris Academy group by equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed for these tests.
Geek School Tutoring’s Thornton Heath Centre
Our Thornton Heath centre is easy to get to – we are close to Purley Way, Mitcham and Norbury, and good bus links.
Address: St Jude with St Aidan Church, Thornton Rd, Thornton Heath CR7 6BA.
Get in touch today.
Call Joycellyn on 02086583239 to discuss your child’s needs.