Geek School 11 Plus Intensive Course is running again this August. It’s the last few weeks before the grammar school tests begin in September, so it’s a crucial time to revise and fill in any knowledge gaps. Children sitting the Kent, Bexley, Medway, Sutton, Wandsworth, Newstead and St Olave’s tests will do well to get intensive tuition during the summer months to firm their knowledge and work through any gaps in their learning. If your child is sitting the independent school exams later in the year, this course will also work wonders for them, as the curriculum is largely the same whether they sit a grammar or independent school exam.
Every year, we have children joining the course whose parents have been looking for a private tutor in the Norwood area, private tuition in Bromley or 11 plus support in Beckenham – many come even further than that! So, if you’re looking for anintensive summer 11 plus course, look no further.
What is covered in the 11 Plus Intensive Course
The 11 Plus Intensive during the summer holidays course covers all the four subjects in the 11 Plus: English, maths, verbal reasoning and non verbal reasoning. All exams types are covered (i.e. GL Assessments and CEM papers).
11 Plus Intensive Dates and Times
Tuesday 15th August to Thursday 17th August 2017 (3 days)
Tuesday 22nd August to Thursday 24th August 2017 (3 days)
Time: 9am-5pm
Cost: £150 per week
Lunch: Not included (please pack a packed lunch)
Location: Bromley
The Success of the 11 Plus Intensive
Lasy year, many of our students on the 11 Plus Intensive Course excelled in exams for high-profile private schools (gaining scholarships, too), including Dulwich College, Trinity, Whitgift, Eltham College, St Dunstan’s, Colfe’s, Sydenham Girls, Old Palace Christ Hospital and more! We also had great success in the grammar school tests for Kent, Bexley, Sutton, Newstead and St Olave’s. All those who were successful in the grammar school tests attended the 11 Plus Intensive.
The Geek School 11-Plus Intensive is run in very small groups, so book early. Call or text Joycellyn on 02086583239 to discuss our child’s needs today.