Your Child’s Path to Elite Boarding Schools and International Success

Are you a dedicated Dubai parent with grand ambitions for your child’s education? Do you dream of seeing your child thrive in top boarding schools in the UK or gain admission to prestigious international institutions? Look no further than this comprehensive 50-page guide.

Free 11 Plus Guide

Understanding the 11 Plus Exams: A Game-Changer

The 11 Plus exams are not just tests; they are gateways to your child’s future at an elite independent or international school. Understanding these exams is the key to unlocking opportunities that can set your child on the path to elite boarding schools and renowned international institutions. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • Competitive Advantage: Dubai parents who grasp the nuances of the 11 Plus exams can better prepare their children, giving them a competitive edge.
  • Informed Choices: When you understand the exams, you can make informed decisions about school selection, ensuring a perfect fit for your child’s aspirations.
  • Academic Excellence: Knowledge is power. Equipped with insights from our guide, your child can excel in the challenging Mathematics, English, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning sections of the 11 Plus exams.
  • Scholarship Opportunities: Scholarships and bursaries can be within reach when you know how to navigate the system effectively.

Authored by Joycellyn Akuffo, 11 Plus Exam Expert and Managing Director of Geek School Tutoring

Our Free 11 Plus Guide and Workbook is the brainchild of Joycellyn Akuffo, a renowned 11 Plus exam expert with a proven track record of guiding students to success. With more than 10 years of experience, Joycellyn has worked with students from Dubai, China, Spain, Nigeria, and Ghana (and of course, the UK) at international schools, helping them secure spots in top secondary schools in those countries and the UK.

Download Your FREE £15 Value 11 Plus Guide and Workbook Today!

Geek School Tutoring’s Free 11 Plus Guide and Workbook is the ultimate resource for Dubai parents like you, aiming to provide your child with the world-class education they deserve. Enter the ‘100WAYS’ coupon code at the checkout to get the guide for free.